Brain Profiling

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Brain Profiling Concept


Believe that every human brain has its own unlimited potential.

We bring meaningful transformation and a positive change in the life of every human being by exploring their brain potential. With a strong grounding in child psychology and development, passion of inspiring children and making a difference in their lives.

To nurture cognitive skills in children so that each one of them is able to achieve academic success and are equipped with lifelong skills useful for every task.

As a brain –trainer, our commitment care and responsibility has resulted in a strong rapport with many parents over the years.


1. Research Proved That 80% Of The Students Are Under Stress.
2. In India 14000 Students Are Commit Suicide Every Year.
3. Another Research Proves That Parents Are The Key Reason For This.This Is 200 Years Of Scientific Research, Started In United States, When A Child Is Born Without Brain Had No Fingerprints, Doctors Are Shocked, When This Repetition Happened Again And Again They Started Research On This Concept, Finally They Proved The Brain And Our Fingers Are Corrrelated, 16000 Books Are Written In About This Research.

Dermatoglyphics- genetic blue print. (Know yourself from your fingerprints.)

Scientific study of our brain though our fingerprint.

Our entire body is controlled by our brain. Fingerprints formation ridges and the brain of a fetus are developed simultaneously from the 13th week of the gestation period. (2 to 6 months) .each ridge has a direct connection with one or the other neuron of our brain. How to study that brain that though our finger prints. Our brain has divide in 5 parts, like that our five fingers, every connection of ridges to the neurons have their different functions. Our entire body is controlled by our brain.

How to study that brain that though our finger prints TRC total ridge count can easily prove the intelligent percentage of the person.

Ex: if the ring fingers ridges of neurons are good connected then the temporal part of hearing and attention and concentration is very good.

Likewise if it’s our thump fingers then our execution, implementation, and cognitive function is very good. How to predict and proved scientifically.

Our finger prints are connected to our brain through the ridges and the ridges are connected to our nerves. This Concept Was First Implemented By Us, Japan Taiwan to Diagnose Congenital Disorders, Genetic Abnormalities, Education Fields and Hr. Management. Early 70’s Soviet Union Scholars Applied in Selecting Athletes. It Is a Secret method For Selecting Contestants for Olympics. Russia won the first football world cup by this concept only.

Process of Dmit:

We need to scan the fingers, though fingerprint scanner, 30 scans for 10 fingers, takes 10 min. This scan includes 15, 20, 50, pages of reports of a person.
After report generation we provide counselling and trainings for the person.
In 1980’s it is implemented In India. It Is Proved Science No Prediction Is There. 8 Level of Intelligence.

Advantages Of Brain Profiling:

1. Inborn Talents
2. Multiple Intelligence
3. Personality Traits &Behavoiur
4. Preferred Learning Style
5. Better Guidance
6. Career Option
7. Relationship